Unsaid things in life

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Unsaid things in life.

No one used to be friends with the student of last branch, it was careless but at the end of the year this boy finished college with gold medal. Behind this change is the negligence of many people and the motivation of some special people.

Everyone loved the boy who was always first, and sitting on the first bench. Everyone wanted to be friends with him, everyone thought he was very good, but once he returned home drunk. Behind his drunkenness is negligence and fraud from someone special.

The boy who stood on the side of the road every day hissing or teasing the girls, he also changed at some point. Became very busy. Behind his being busy or good is the neglect of thousands of people or the inspiration of someone special.

The man who stayed up all night hoping to get a message from his loved one, it was morning. He also changes one day. Behind this change of his and loved ones were doing thousands of neglect.

The boy who thought he would never fall in love. One day he fell in love very quietly with a certain girl. Whose thousands of caring, sharing impressed him. 

The boy who thought himself to be Romeo, used to play with the hearts of hundreds of girls, once he became very lonely, loneliness passed for a time, the reason for not having anyone by his side, maybe the curse of thousands of broken hearted girls.

The boy who neither loved nor wanted to marry any beautiful girl just because he was unemployed, believe me one day he will marry the princess of a big millionaire with his own merit. Behind this change is the negligence of thousands of people or the inspiration of someone special.

The person who was always drunk, he also changed one day. Think that someone special is behind this change.

The person who did not keep his word at all, lied regularly, he has now made a habit of keeping someone's word.

Today the boys and girls who are not able to take coaching from any good teacher for some money, believe me one day they will teach thousands of students, many helpless students without money. This power will also work in their mind because once they themselves were very neglected.

Today the parents of the girl or boy who are dying due to lack of treatment, they will be the best doctors of the district, department or country someday. Thousands of people will be treated at no cost. The man who used to randomly comment on everyone's posts without realizing it, did whatever he wanted. One day from his timeline, "I will unfriend you if someone doesn't comment on the post.

In fact, there are many such examples around us, if we pay attention, it will come to our attention. Where someone's life has changed by getting a little love and inspiration and someone's beautiful and organized life has been ruined due to neglect.

Life is really very strange,

many things happen in this stage of life which we never think about, can't really think about. Why tell me? In fact, life is really unpredictable. In this ongoing life, someone suddenly comes and makes life beautiful like magic. The surroundings are very nice, it seems that everything is arranged like a picture. I want to live. I want to love, to be good.

But suddenly in some strange irony of Bhagyadevi, like rain on a winter afternoon, suddenly he leaves. Before you know it, everything around you seems to fall into disarray. At this sudden shock, you are also shocked and distraught. When you think about the suddenness of the incident, you will see how your loved ones around you have changed. Their customs and practices have changed.

Sometimes it will seem that everything in life ends here, life has stopped here. But at the end of the day you will continue to adapt. Why tell me???

Because, life is only one...!!,

there are very few people who can walk together with their loved ones throughout their life. They are really very lucky or fortunate.

No one in the world is perfect and no one is incompetent. Somewhere is the best. So one should never ignore anyone's negligence, no matter who they are, we never know or will never know when time will take its sweet revenge.

Life is unsaid only in our pen, on the pages of diary. Every day we try to bring something new just for you.

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