How to Disable Copying Text using pure CSS

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Hello Everyone! How are you all? I Hope you are all well. Welcome back to FreemiumTech Website. Today our Article is all about How to Disable Copying Text using pure CSS? So let's start today's article.

How to Disable Copying Text using pure CSS

We all bloggers know that creating any kind of content requires a lot of hard work. First you need to modify, then optimize and most importantly the content should be such that the audience can understand the content very easily. The biggest challenge for all bloggers is How to protect their website content from being copied?

We know that no copyrighted content can ever rank on Google. You will find many copyright pages on the Internet, which have never been ranked। Many in turn steal the content of other bloggers. But Google has a different algorithm, you can never fool Google. But whenever another blogger steals our content or content and publishes it on their website, we feel very bad and feel like someone else is taking the result of our hard work.

So to get rid of this problem you need to know how to protect the content of the website from being copied? In this article, I will share with you some tips that can protect your content from being copied.

How to disable copying text using pure CSS in Blogger?

Before following these steps we recommend you take a Backup of your Blogger Template, By chance If any mistakes have been done we can undo changes using that Backup.

Step 1: First of all Login to your Blogger Dashboard.

Step 2: On your  Blogger Dashboard, Click 'Theme'.

Step 3: Click on the arrow down Icon next to 'Customize' Button.

Step 4: Click on Edit HTML, you will be redirected to Theme Editing Page.

Step 5: Then Find ]]></b:skin> and paste the following CSS just above it or you can paste the following CSS just above </head> by creating <style> </style> tags.

/* Disable Copy by FreemiumTech */ body{user-select:none;-moz-user-select:none;-ms-user-select:none;-khtml-user-select:none;-webkit-user-select:none;-webkit-touch-callout:none}/* Enable copy on pre and code tags */ pre, code {user-select:text;-moz-user-select:text;-ms-user-select:text;-khtml-user-select:text;-webkit-user-select:text;-webkit-touch-callout:text}

Step 6: Now click on the Save Icon to save HTML.


1. Using CSS code we eliminate this factor as user usually can not disable the CSS. However, an experienced user can do it simply by inspecting elements and finding our CSS code snippet then delete it in browser but this task is far away from newbies. Experienced users rarely do that.

2. CSS codes are far better than JavaScripts as they do not lower the speed of your blog/website where JavaScript codes consume much time to load and make your blog load speed very low and overall you lose Visitors=Money. Avoid using JavaScripts.


In this post I have made a tutorial about How to Disable Copying Text using pure CSS. Which gives a beautiful look of your website. I hope you have liked it and please share with your friends and follow our blog for more.

If you face any problems in this code or have any questions so feel free to ask me in comments section or join our Telegram Group for Discussion.

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