Name some of the most popular search engines in the world

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Name some of the most popular search engines in the world
Hi guys. How are you? I hope you are all good. Today's article is about Most Popular search engines in the world.

So, let's jump today's article.

If we ask the question which is the most popular search engine, our direct answer will be, “Google”.

Because, the market share of Google search engine is the highest which is currently around 92.47% . And, after Google, Bing is the second most used search engine with a market share of around 2.71%.

Google may be the best among the search engines, but there are some popular search engines outside of Google which are still widely used.

Maybe you or I didn't know about these search engines until now, but millions of search queries are delivered every day.

So, if you want to know the names of some other search engines besides Google, then this article will be useful for you.

And like me, you must try these search engines at least once.

Let's directly see the list of Top 14 Most Popular Search Engines In The World below.

What is the name of the world's most popular search engines?

Here I am giving you a list of some of the most popular search engines that are used outside of Google.

At the end of the list, detailed information about each search engine is given below.

  1. Microsoft Bing 
  2. Yahoo! 
  3. Baidu 
  4. Yandex 
  5. DuckDuckGo 

So, friends, now let us know in detail about each of the above mentioned search engines.

1. Microsoft Bing

Bing search engine was renamed to Microsoft Bing in 2020.

If there is any best and popular search engine after Google search, then it can be called Microsoft Bing search engine.

Bing search engine was introduced by Microsoft to compete with Google search.

However, Google provides more relevant solutions or search results than Bing for a large number of general users.

And this is the reason why the usage of Bing search is very less compared to Google.

But remember, Microsoft Bing is the second most used search engine after Google.

Microsoft Bing is derived from some of Microsoft's previous search engines (MSN Search, Windows Live Search, Live Search).

2. Yahoo!

Yahoo is a very popular email provider (e-mail provider) whose email service is used a lot.

Along with Yahoo email service, they have a service called Yahoo search which is basically a search engine.

And if I am not wrong then Yahoo search engine is the third most popular search engine with a market share of around 1%.

If you are using Firefox web browser on your computer or mobile, you will see that Yahoo search is set as the default web browser.

Yahoo search engine was launched on March 2, 1995.

3. Baidu

Baidu Search is a popular search engine developed by China.

Its benefits and features are almost the same as Google Search, although the main focus of the search engine is within China.

In Baidu search results, content or results are shown in accordance with the laws and regulations of China.

Baidu has about 80.14% of the search engine market share in China .

It means that you can understand how much their own search engine is used in China.

4. Yandex

Yandex is certainly a popular web search engine that works like any other search engine.

You can directly search images, videos, maps, text search results etc through this search engine.

They also have an email service named Yandex mail and Yandex web browser.

Yandex search is a service provided by Yandex, a Russian company.

Their own Yandex search engine is widely used in Russia.

5. DuckDuckGo

DuckDuckGo is a popular internet search engine that places great emphasis on protecting user privacy while providing accurate search results.

This advanced search engine has a great feature that is, here against any search term or search term, a search result is shown for each user.

Here, the search results are not shown separately based on the outline of the user.

So here, one search result against each question, problem or search term is shown to everyone.

This search engine was first introduced in 2008.

DuckDuckGo search engine's market share can be said to be around 0.45%.

6. is also known as Ask Jeeves.

If we talk about the search market share then gets around 0.42% search share.

Ask basically works as a question answer online portal where most of the questions asked are answered by other users or through polls.

This search engine was first launched in 1996.

It is a very simple and straightforward search engine where relevant web pages are shown directly as answers to your search queries.


Swisscows is a Switzerland-based private search engine that provides accurate search results while maintaining user privacy.

The rules of this search engine are very strict in terms of privacy and security.

As such, they have made a commitment that the user's data, personal information will not be collected or tracked.

It is also stated that our IP address and browser details are not recorded when is used.

Furthermore, no record of the device operating system and your search terms will be kept.

So, if it is true to say that the role of this search engine is important in searching the internet by protecting your privacy completely.


This search engine also mainly emphasizes on protecting the user's privacy.

You can search the internet by fully protecting your online privacy. offers more user privacy and protection than Google and Bing.

This search engine was launched in 1998.

Here we are mainly served by providing answers from Google, but here our search history will not be stored or tracked.


It is also an internet search engine that many people know about.

It is said that here we get better search results and better user experience.

The structure of the search engine is somewhat similar to Google search.

Here you can search results in different categories such as web, image, news, videos.


Excite is of course a popular search engine that is used by many and hence its mention in the top 10 list is important.

It is basically an online service portal that provides us with various internet services.

For example, email, search engine, news, instant messaging and weather updates.


It looks very simple as an online search engine where Advanced Privacy Mode is provided to protect the user's privacy.

So no user tracking is done here and search history is not recorded.

The user interface of the search engine is very clean and clear.

You can set location, time and region before searching.

For the convenience of the user, you can search for information in different categories such as All, images, videos, news.


It is basically a computational knowledge search engine where you will find answers or solutions to questions related to Mathematics, science & technology, society & culture, everyday life etc.

We do not show any list of documents or web pages as search results.

The results of each search query are given here above the facts & data.


It is an internet archive search engine through which we can see the past of any website.

Imagine what a website looked like in 2015 and you can see what information was there.

In this way, you can see the past of any website up to 1996.

It can prove to be a very useful tool for you if you want to know about the history of a domain.


AOL is an older web search engine that many of you may have heard of.

The market share of this old search engine is around 0.05%.

This online service provider company has its own free web-based email service known as AOL Mail.

Web, image, multimedia, shopping, news and local search results can be found through AOL search .

Our last words-

So friends, apart from Google, I have told you the names of other popular search engines one by one above.

If you ask the question which is the most popular search engine, you can talk about the above mentioned search engines.

So, if you like our article written about the most popular search engines (Most Popular Search Engines).

Then definitely share the article.

Also, if you have any kind of question or suggestion related to the article, do comment below.

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