How does hypnotism work? What is the scientific explanation?

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How does hypnotism work?

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Keep looking at this clock… the clock is ticking…

Hypnosis Freemium Tech

Slowly imagine you are somewhere with no one around you. You calm your mind slowly. You are walking in the middle of a desert. Walking on sands but not feeling hot! You walk calmly. Nothing else is going on in your mind… your heart pain is lessening.

Enough... I can make many stories like this and start the story and it will continue! 😁 Many people understand nothing by hypnosis. This is also shown in movies. In fact, it is not so.

Hypnosis is the act of influencing and manipulating the mind of another by suggestion, intense emotion and the power of imagination.

It describes a kind of extreme suggestion, an abnormal dreaming state characterized by an imagination power of relaxation and intensity. What seems like a lot of sleep is actually not sleep. Because the subject is alert the whole time. Most of the time it seems like a day dream. During hypnosis, the conscious part of the brain is temporarily controlled and the person's scattered thoughts are focused and focused on relaxing. When our mind is fixed, focused, we feel energy.

Suppose you are reading a book, you are in such a state that you lose yourself in do not notice what is happening around you. He mingled with every character in the book. Hypnosis is like that, your mind is diverted from other thoughts and brought to a specific direction. It can be done on your own!!

According to a 2016 study published in the journal Cerebral Cortex, a hypnotized brain has three characteristics.

  1. First, there is reduced activity in the dorsal anterior cingulate, a region involved in cognition and motor control.
  2. Second, connectivity between the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and the insula increases, forming a brain-body connection that helps regulate brain processes and what's happening in the body.
  3. Finally, connectivity between the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and the default mode network is reduced, possibly indicating a disconnect between a person's actions and awareness of those actions.

Is it the placebo effect?

Perhaps… but there are significant differences in brain activity during hypnosis.  This suggests that the brain responds to hypnosis in a unique way, which is stronger than a placebo effect.  Guided conversation or any form of behavioral therapy can have a powerful effect on behavior and feelings.

During hypnosis, the conscious part of the brain is temporarily controlled to focus the person's scattered thoughts and focus on relaxing them. When our mind is fixed, focused, we feel energy. When a person is hypnotized we notice some physical changes in him. As his pulse slows down, his breathing slows down. At the same time, the waves in the alpha level of his brain began to play. At this time the person is given a specific goal or a special instruction. It is widely used in medicine.

Many may experience mild to moderate side effects from its effects. Which includes:

  • Headache
  • Drowsiness
  • Dizziness
  • Situational anxiety

English doctor S Dale used this science in medical science. With the help of hypnosis, he used to put the patient to sleep and extract teeth, also performed minor operations. But still many doctors are not sure about its use. They forbid its use.

Since it is being used in medical science, you can understand that it has acceptance in science.

A committee appointed by the British Medical Association, after extensive research, ruled that hypnotism was a scientific method. As the days progressed, more and more doctors and scientists became enthusiastic about this science. Also new research has started. So it goes without saying that hypnosis is a scientific method. Many things happen in the world logically, but human beings do not directly reach that logic easily, take time to research it and find out the logic, otherwise, they throw it away as something divine. Remember, anyone can be hypnotized. Many people think that strong willed people cannot be hypnotized. This is a misconception. The hypnotherapy method is very simple. Of course, the real emphasis of hypnotherapy is not on the method at all, but on suggestion. The purpose of hypnotherapy is not to hypnotize someone, but to rescue the patient from his problems. Hypnotherapy is “programming of subconscious mind”. It is a very quick method, which can hit the root of the problem directly. However, suggestions can be programmed into the mind if not done properly. For some, an extra word or two can spell doom. Therefore therapy should not be undertaken by anyone other than a sufficiently experienced and trained hypnotherapist. Many types of ailments can be cured through hypnotherapy. Curable is an understatement, it should be eradicated once and for all, even without medicine.

What can hypnosis be used for?

  • Treatment of chronic pain conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis
  • Treatment and pain relief during childbirth
  • Decreasing symptoms of dementia
  • Hypnotherapy may be helpful for certain symptoms of ADHD
  • Nausea and vomiting in cancer patients during chemotherapy
  • Pain control during dental procedures
  • Elimination or reduction of skin conditions including warts and psoriasis
  • Eliminate symptom associations with irritable bowel syndrome
  • Helping people change behavior, such as smoking cessation, weight loss, or prevention of bedwetting.

Hypnosis is not trivial. You will understand after watching the video.

That's all. I hypnotized as the answer grew a bit larger. 😁😁

Freemium Tech

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